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Tips on Soothing a Fussy Baby

From wet diapers to loud noise, to feeling hungry, being overfed or just getting bored, almost anything can make your baby cry. As a new parent, you might find it hard to find out the reason behind your baby crying. And at times even after attending her, the baby might not stop wailing, and you may feel helpless. It may make you doubt your capabilities as a parent, as you may think that you are not able to understand your baby’s need. It is natural to feel so, but do not get depressed, things might not seem easy at first, however, after some time you will know the perfect way to soothe your baby.

Given below are some beneficial tips that can help you out in soothing your baby:

  • Swaddle your baby: Newborns may miss the secure feeling that they felt in their mother’s womb and they may cry because of it. Swaddling keeps them safe and cozy. Wrapping your baby in a thin blanket gives your baby the feeling of being inside the womb and can make her feel secure. It is one of the most effective tips to soothe her
  • Play calming sounds: The sound of a heartbeat or a humming sound of a fan can make your baby feel like being inside the womb and soothe her. Playing white noise device at a low volume is another baby care tip for comforting her. It covers up the background noise that may be startling your baby and produces a soothing sound to help your baby settle
  • Place your baby on her left side: Indigestion might be a reason behind your baby crying. You must be careful while feeding her. Do not overfeed her and do make her burp after the feed is over. If still, your baby is crying, then lay the baby on her left side, and gently rub the back. You can also put her on her stomach; it may help her settle down. If she sleeps, lay her on her back
  • Carry your baby along: Carry your baby in a carrier to remind her of motion she felt in the womb. The feeling of closeness and the rhythm of your movement will help her feel at ease. It is a convenient option for you too as your hands will be free and you can complete your important work
  • Rock your baby: Rocking is another effective tip for soothing your crying baby. It is an age-old method of calming down the babies. However, with modern times rocking options have become much more diverse and convenient. There are automatic cradles that can rock your baby while you finish your tasks. Besides you can also go for motorized baby swings or bouncy seats that can help you out. However, make sure that your baby does not fall asleep on the rocking cradle as she might get used to the motion and depend on it to fall asleep
  • Divert your baby’s focus from crying: Babies are quite curious about the outside world. Do something unusual to divert her attention from crying. Take her out, play some music, make some sounds in her ear. Such surprises will draw away your baby’s attention from crying and make her busy in observing things of much more importance

Handling a newborn is not that easy. Attending your baby round the clock might be exhausting, and on top of it, her constant wailing may make you much more anxious. It might stress you out, but you will need first to calm yourself down so that you can soothe her. Be patient and understand her needs. Over time, you will become an expert in the task.

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