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Tips on How to Make your Baby Sleep Through the Night

Sleep struggles are natural for new parents. Babies during their first two months sleep for about ten to eighteen hours a day but often their feed time interferes with their sleep time, and hence they do not sleep for long hours at a stretch. Their sleep time can maximum extend to three to four hours and often when you are ready to dig in your bed your baby awakes wide.

Newborns might give you a lot of trouble during the night depriving you of sleep. But do you know that you can start their sleep training as soon as they are six weeks old? Yes, you can work on the circadian (sleep-wake) cycle of your baby as early as six weeks. The early you develop their sleep pattern there will be lesser troubles in the later stage.

Follow the tips mentioned below to regulate the sleeping pattern of your little one and make her sleep for an extended period during the night.

  • Your baby does not understand the difference between day and night, hence, the time when you are willing to sleep, she might be quite active. Make conscious efforts to make your baby understand the difference between day and night. Make daytime games much more active while the activities during the evening should be quiet. Also, the nighttime feed should be calm and quiet. It will prevent your baby from getting too excited before bedtime
  • Most mothers keep rocking or nursing the baby until the baby sleeps. It is not at all good for your baby and makes things difficult for you later. Put your baby down when she gets drowsy and let her settle on her own. Do not rock or feed her as she might start depending on it to fall asleep
  • Develop a bedtime routine for your baby when she gets three months old. Your baby can sleep for six hours at a stretch now, so it is a great idea to start a good sleep routine that helps you both gather some quality sleep. Settle down things at least thirty minutes before the bedtime. Turn off the television, prepare the bed and dim the lights so that your baby knows it is time to sleep. A warm bath may also aid your baby get some sound and relaxing sleep. You can also give your baby a massage or sing a lullaby to help her fall asleep. Keep a short but consistent sleep ritual every day to help regulate her sleep cycle
  • Always keep the room’s environment same as to what it was before your baby went to sleep so that if she wakes up during the night, she will find everything the same. Also, do not attend her immediately after she wakes up, give your baby some time to settle on her own. If she doesn’t, then try soothing her by keeping your hand over her. Do not be in haste to feed her. At times you baby might not be hungry but needs a reassurance. As your baby grows, she needs fewer feeds in the night, so cut down on them and let her sleep for longer

Settling your baby during the night might be a tough task, but following a set routine will help your baby understand when to wind down and sleep. Keep the activities consistent, day after day. It is always good to let the baby settle down on her own than rushing to attend her. Rocking her or feeding her through sleep will spoil her sleeping habits and make things much more difficult for you.

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